Year of Commemoration Focusing on November Pogrom in the Graz City Museum

Austrian Press Agency (APA) (07/23/08)

Year of Commemoration Focusing on November Pogrom
in the Graz City Museum

Four Exhibitions on NS Rule, Resistance and Persecution beginning September 10

Graz – On the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the November Pogrom in 1938, the Graz City Museum is focusing on a commemorative event which reflects the years of the Anschluß and the period after. The exhibition, “Un:sichtbar,” (“In:visible”), will serve as the core of the event and target NS rule, persecution and resistance in Styria.

“The exhibition will ask the question how visible or invisible was prior history, history and the aftermath of National Socialism in Styira,” says Heimo Halbrainer from the Graz Historical Association Clio, who together with other historians conceptualized the exhibition. Emphasis will be on resistance and persecution but also the question as to how the State, based on rule of law, handled the successors of NS culture after 1945; in other words, how did something like a public culture of remembrance develop.

Installed in a room in the basement of the City Museum will be an installation by Carinthian artist Ernst Logar entitled, “Execution of the Glance,” in remembrance of the fate of his grandfather who was executed during the last days of NS regime. Also beginning September 10, biographies of Graz’s politicians who were active between 1934 and 1945 can be viewed in the Landhaushof located in the Herrengasse.
After November 5 one will be able to listen to “Stories of Survival,” depicting life stories and stories of survivors of the Jewish people of Graz who were persecuted during the time of National Socialism.

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