Vienna‘s Jewish Museum Elated over 1.2 Million in Visitors in Fifteen Years

Austrian Press Agency (APA) (11/17/2008)

Vienna‘s Jewish Museum Elated over 1.2 Million in Visitors in Fifteen Years

Vienna’s Jewish Museum, located in the city’s center, is currently celebrating fifteen years of existence. Since its opening by former mayor Helmut Zilk and his Jerusalem colleague, Teddy Kollek, some 1.2 million visitors have visited the museum. Director Karl Albrecht-Weinberger revealed that the museum has presented some 150 exhibitions. During the course of the anniversary week, apart from special programs, the bicycle of Theodor Herzl can be viewed on the occasion of the anniversary program, which will take place from November 18 – 23. Moreover, there will be special tours, free-of-charge, as well as an evening with Michael Heltau on November 20 who will read from the novel, “Radetzkymarch” by Joseph Roth.

At the same time the program for the 2009 season was introduced, whereby focus will be on diverse topics. Among other things, there will be an exhibit on the expelled composer Hanns Eisler (“Man and Matter”), a cultural and historical discussion with the Jewish Alpinism (“Have You Seen my Alps?”) as well as a multimedia work on stereotypes (“typical! Clicheés of Jews and Others”). Moreover, the Torberg exhibit will be extended to about one more month, namely until March 8, 2009.

In a 160-page memorial publication one will be able to read about which exhibits have been presented by the museum over the last fifteen years. It contains also a lengthy and detailed description of the museum and its history.
