In Austria, the past few months have been marked by events in observance of the Kristallnacht seventy years ago, which saw the destruction of synagogues and the ransacking of thousands of Jewish businesses and homes and marked the beginning of the Holocaust, the NS terror regime and the murdering of thousands of Austrian Jews. We present a number of articles on the numerous events that marked the remembrance of the victims of the Holocaust.
Furthermore, we are happy to provide you with a broad range of articles that were published in the Austrian media on such topics as the 15th Anniversary of the Jewish Museum Vienna, the recent inauguration of Austria’s largest Jewish school, on cultural events, symposia and recent publications, on restitution-related topics and on Federal President Fischer’s and Foreign Minister Spindelegger's recent visit to Israel.
Finally, we want to remind all readers of Jewish News from Austria that you can find actual news items, information on events, publications as well as useful links on a regular basis on our new website:
I wish you Happy Hanukkah!
Yours sincerely,
Wolfgang Renezeder
Austrian Press and Information Service
Current Events, Symposia and Cultural News
• Parliament commemorates November pogroms 70 years ago (Austrian Federal Chancellery)
• Vienna: Council of Europe and Holocaust Task Force will cooperate (Austrian Federal Chancellery)
• Year of Commemoration Focusing on November Pogrom in the Graz City Museum (Austrian Press Agency)
• Vienna‘s Jewish Museum Elated over 1.2 Million in Visitors in Fifteen Years (Austrian Press Agency)
• 15 years of Jewish Museum Vienna (Austrian Federal Chancellery)
• Austria’s Largest Jewish School (Die Presse)
• Seisenbacher’s Ambition, Hakoah’s Good Fortune (Der Standard)
• NS Crimes Against the „Inferior“ (Austrian Press Agency)
• Exhibition at Steinhof Reopened (Austrian Press Agency)
• Music from Theresienstadt Performed (Austrian Press Agency)
• First Chamber Music Festival Schloss Laudon (Austrian Press Agency)
• Involuntary Passage to Mauritius (Die Presse)
• Keep on Traveling, Away from Death (Die Presse)
• House of History Looks to U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum as Model (Die Presse)
• Remembrance of the NS Era in Film (Austrian Press Agency)
• Summer Cinema at Schloss Hartheim (Austrian Press Agency)
• Remembrance of the NS Era in Film (Austrian Press Agency)
• Summer Cinema at Schloss Hartheim (Austrian Press Agency)
• Jewish Welcome Service of Vienna (Austrian Press Agency)
• Visit of Expelled Jewish Citizens Austrian Press Agency)
• Poet with a Flash of Genius and Correspondence Artist (Der Standard)
• Vienna’s Central Cemetery is the Second Largest Graveyard in Europe (Der Standard)
• Some 330,000 graves containing three million dead (Austrian Press Agency)
• Vienna’s Faculty of Law Addresses the Impact of the Anschluss (Austrian Press Agency)
• MAK Exhibition, “Recollecting” The Journey from Plunder to Restitution MAK Catalogue, (Austrian Press Agency)
• RECOLLECTING” Looted Art and Resitution
• Honoring Jahoda – Prammer: Witness to Austrian History (Austrian Press Agency)
• Late homage: Nobel Prize winner Eric Kandel becomes honorary citizen of Vienna (Austrian Federal Chancellery)
• Jewish people remember their Vienna in the 20th century(Austrian Federal Chancellery)
• Campaign of the City of Vienna: free copies of book by Ruth Klüger (Austrian Federal Chancellery)
• The Impossibility of Being Kafka (Der Standard)
• Becoming Edith. The Education of a Hidden Child. Edith Mayer Cord.
• Amendment to the Art Restitution Law Being Reviewed (Austrian Press Agency)
• Dorotheum Auctions Off Restituted Amerling-Paintings from Belvedere (Austrian Press Agency)
• Jewish Community Takes Legal Action Against the Federation (Die Presse)
• Dark Figures (Profil)
• Amendment to Restitution Law to be Adopted Before Summer (Austrian Federal Chancellery)
Austrian – Israeli Relations
• Federal President Fischer pays visit to Israel and Palestinian territories (Austrian Federal Chancellery
• Heinz Fischer emphasizes joint responsibility of Austria with regard to NS-crimes (Austrian Press Agency)
• Israeli leaders meet Austrian president, discuss ties, peace talks BBC Monitoring Middle East (Jersualem Post)
Historical Portraits
• The Impossibility of Being Kafka (Der Standard)
• The Brief Life of Dr. Suess (Der Standard)
Parliament commemorates November pogroms 70 years ago
Parliament commemorates November pogroms 70 years ago
On 9 November 2008 the Austrian Parliament commemorated the November pogroms 70 years ago in a ceremony held at Palais Epstein. The events of the “Reichskristallnacht“ – the “Night of Broken Class” – on 9 November 1938 had marked the climax of a year of anti-Semitic riots. In her speech Speaker of Parliament Barbara Prammer vehemently called for an end of further debates about the abolishment of the “Prohibition Act”. “More than ever” this Act was to be considered a constitutional reaction to Austria’s role during the NS period, and as a clear no to the belittlement of the Nazi atrocities it was of a high symbolic value. “This should not and must not be called into question in Austria“, Prammer underlined.
Seventy Years November Progrom
Seventy Years November Progrom
Spindelegger. Collective Responsibility
Vienna – Austria is characterized, justifiably so, as the first victim of National Socialism. This will not change anything about the fact that we have to admit “that our people bear the responsibility for all those having taken part in that time, “ stated Spindelegger, who will participate on Sunday in a commemoration of the Vienna Jewish Community in the City temple.
Vienna: Council of Europe and Holocaust Task Force will cooperate
Vienna: Council of Europe and Holocaust Task Force will cooperate
The Council of Europe and the International Holocaust Task Force (ITF) signed a declaration of intent to team up in the combat against anti-Semitism at European level on 10 November 2008. Terry Davis, Secretary-General of the Council of Europe, and Ferdinand Trauttmannsdorff, ITF Chairman, signed the agreement that is to become a model for Europe.
Winkler: "Current forms of anti-Semitism should be increasingly addressed"
Winkler: "Current forms of anti-Semitism should be increasingly addressed"
State Secretary Hans Winkler at an international round table on
Vienna, 10 November 2008 – "Anti-Semitism is still a social problem that needs to be taken seriously. It has not remained a historical phenomenon, but can, unfortunately, still be repeatedly observed today. No country is immune to revisionism, anti-Semitism and extremism," said State Secretary Hans Winkler at a high-calibre round table discussion at the Hofburg Palace on "Lessons learnt? Holocaust remembrance and combating anti-Semitism in 2008". The meeting was organised by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the International Holocaust Task Force (ITF) to mark the 70th anniversary of the anti-Semitic November pogroms.
Year of Commemoration Focusing on November Pogrom in the Graz City Museum
Year of Commemoration Focusing on November Pogrom
in the Graz City Museum
Four Exhibitions on NS Rule, Resistance and Persecution beginning September 10
Graz – On the occasion of the 70th Anniversary of the November Pogrom in 1938, the Graz City Museum is focusing on a commemorative event which reflects the years of the Anschluß and the period after. The exhibition, “Un:sichtbar,” (“In:visible”), will serve as the core of the event and target NS rule, persecution and resistance in Styria.
Vienna‘s Jewish Museum Elated over 1.2 Million in Visitors in Fifteen Years
Vienna‘s Jewish Museum Elated over 1.2 Million in Visitors in Fifteen Years
Vienna’s Jewish Museum, located in the city’s center, is currently celebrating fifteen years of existence. Since its opening by former mayor Helmut Zilk and his Jerusalem colleague, Teddy Kollek, some 1.2 million visitors have visited the museum. Director Karl Albrecht-Weinberger revealed that the museum has presented some 150 exhibitions. During the course of the anniversary week, apart from special programs, the bicycle of Theodor Herzl can be viewed on the occasion of the anniversary program, which will take place from November 18 – 23. Moreover, there will be special tours, free-of-charge, as well as an evening with Michael Heltau on November 20 who will read from the novel, “Radetzkymarch” by Joseph Roth
Fifteen years of Jewish Museum Vienna
Fifteen years of Jewish Museum Vienna
The Jewish Museum situated in Vienna’s city centre is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. The premises in Palais Eskeles were inaugurated on 18 November 1993 by Vienna’s recently deceased former Mayor Helmut Zilk and his counterpart from Jerusalem Teddy Kollek. In his overview of the past on 17 November 2008 Director Karl Albrecht-Weinberger stated that since the opening about 1.2 million visitors had been welcomed to 150 exhibitions.
Austria’s Largest Jewish School
Austria’s Largest Jewish School
Opening. The Perez-Chajes School with 600 children opened their doors.
Vienna – Children are running through the halls, others are sitting in their classrooms studying while a teacher rushes by. Daily routine has settled in at the Zwi-Perez-Chajes School (ZPC) in the 2nd district, recently inaugurated by Federal President Heinz Fischer.
Seisenbacher’s Ambition, Hakoah’s Good Fortune
Seisenbacher’s Ambition, Hakoah’s Good Fortune
Fritz Neumann
Judo is a magnificent example of the comeback of Hakoah, located in Vienna’s Prater district. Two-time Olympic winner Peter Seisenbacher, for whom the competitive sport was “only an episode,” is ready and willing to go.
Vienna – “What was that all about, Aaron?” Aaron doesn’t quite know himself. “You’re not supposed to be touch slightly your opponent with your foot.” Aaron throws a quizzical look. “You’re supposed to pull back his legs – like this!” Suddenly little Aaron feels himself grabbed by the neck; he feels how one positions his leg from behind, how big, strong hands are placed at his back. Now Aaron has an idea what is meant.
NS Crimes Against the „Inferior“
NS Crimes Against the „Inferior“
Exhibition at Steinhof Reopened
Hospital was the center of NS medicine in Vienna aimed at killing
Vienna – The permanent exhibition, “The War Against the Inferior,” in Vienna’s Otto Wagner Hospital on “The History of NS Medicine in Vienna” was inaugurated. It depicts the killing of 7,500 people in the hospital, which was a mental institution and became Vienna’s center for NS medicine aimed at murder. It was there in the hospital ward, “Am Spiegelgrund,” where 800 children and young people were killed.
Music from Theresienstadt Performed
Music from Theresienstadt Performed
First Chamber Music Festival in Schloss Laudon
Works from the concentration camp by expelled composers will be presented over the course of five evenings from August 11 – 17
The simple answer to the question why there should be another summer program of concerts in Wien-Penzing: “Because in Vienna there is nothing being performed in August.” While summer festivals prefer to take place outside the city and because Vienna is overflowing with “tourist concerts,” the aron quartett invites one to a series of concerts with “great but intentionally-forgotten music from August 11 -17 in the Wasserschloss Laudon in the western part of Vienna, emphasized the initiator Peter Weinberger during a press conference today.
Involuntary Passage to Mauritius
Involuntary Passage to Mauritius
Norbert Mayer
”Boarding Pass to Paradise“ – An exemplary exhibition on the exodus during WW II
It is a sad story. “I will hang up my marionettes,” said Fritz Haendel on January 7, 1945 to his friends Béda and Hanna Mayer, together with whom he managed to flee the Nazis in 1940. They had hoped to reach Palestine, which was at the time administered by the British, but wound up in Mauritius. Haendel takes some strong wire and leaves his workshop, recall his friends. Shortly thereafter they discover he had hung himself. “He made sketches of funny little pictures, thinking all the while about death,” writes Hanna.
Keep on Traveling, Away from Death
House of History Looks to U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum as Model
House of History Looks to U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum as Model
Vienna – Lengthy discussion surrounding Austria’s “House of History” (“Haus der Geschichte”) now has an international standard after which to model itself. According to the call for bids announcing the concept to be implemented which was presented to the Austrian Press Agency, the project will look to orienting itself toward the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. The award procedure which begins in June is already in the second phase, until January 2009 when a final concept is presented.
Remembrance of the NS Era in Film
Remembrance of the NS Era in Film
Summer Cinema at Schloss Hartheim
Four evenings shed light on the role of medicine during National Socialism and Post-war Austria
Linz – This year’s summer cinema at the “Place of Learning and Remembrance” in Schloss Hartheim in Upper Austria will dedicate its movie screenings from August 25 – 29 to the theme of medicine in NS and post-war film. Screenings of “Paracelsus” (Germany, 1942/43) and “The Murderer Among Us” (Germany, 1946) will be commented on by well-known researchers. The cinema exists since the 2005 Year of Remembrance and is organized by the association “im-fokus.”
Jewish Welcome Service of Vienna
Jewish Welcome Service of Vienna
Visit of Expelled Jewish Citizens
Vienna – The Jewish Welcome Service in Vienna is inviting a group of former Viennese who were expelled by the National Socialists to a one-week visit to Vienna from August 31 to September 7, 2008. The guests come from the USA, Australia, Canada, England, Israel as well as Argentina and Uruguay. Most of the guests are being accompanied by their children and grandchildren. Altogether some seventy people will be in Vienna this week upon invitation from the Jewish Welcome Service. This year marks the fourth largest group invited by the service. Financing in 2008 came with support of the Federal Chancellery as well as the Future Fund of the Republic of Austria. The Jewish Welcome Service has organized an extensive visitor’s program including visits with Federal President Dr. Heinz Fischer and a tour of Vienna’s City Hall.
Poet with a Flash of Genius and Correspondence Artist
Poet with a Flash of Genius and Correspondence Artist
Daniela Strigl
The title of the exhibition is “The Dangers of Versatility,” which Vienna’s Jewish Museum has chosen to honor Friedrich Torberg. One hundred years ago today the author, feature writer and critic was born in Vienna.
Vienna’s Central Cemetery is the Second Largest Graveyard in Europe
Vienna’s Central Cemetery is the Second Largest Graveyard in Europe
Some 330,000 graves containing three million dead
Vienna – The central cemetery, opened in year 1874, where Vienna’s former mayor Helmut Zilk was buried on Saturday, is the second largest cemetery in Europe according to surface size. Hamburg-Ohlsdorf, 3.9 square kilometers, is considerably bigger. But Vienna’s cemetery contains three million dead, considerably more that that of Northern Germany’s cemetery with 1.7 million.