Amy Winehouse: A Family Portrait


"The Jewish Museum Vienna portrays the musician, who died at a young age in 2011, as hardly anyone knows her. Deeply rooted in the Jewish history of her family that immigrated to England from Belarus in the 1890s. Alex Winehouse, the brother of the musician, and his wife Riva made a very special view on Amy Winehouse’s life possible through many objects and personal memorabilia – in close collaboration with the Jewish Museum London.

Spiderman and Clown Celebrated the Salvation of the Ancestors


From Friday to Sunday the Jewish community celebrated Purim

The book of Ester, a part of the Jewish Tanakh and therefore part of the Christian Old Testament, tells the story of the eponymous Queen. Through lent and prayers she is said to have foiled the plans of Haman, a high Persian official, to kill all Jews in the Persian Empire. Jewish people from all over the world now celebrate this mythical salvation as Purim.

Jewish Museum Vienna - 2014 Preview

Following the comprehensive temporary exhibition about Richard Wagner, which can still be seen until March 16, the Jewish Museum will present the big exhibit “Weltuntergang. Jüdisches Leben und Sterben im Ersten Weltkrieg” (Doomsday. Jewish Life and Death during WWI) at Dorotheergasse starting on April 2, 2014. From October 8, 2014 onwards, the museum will show an exhibit dedicated to Jewish culinary traditions, entitled “Kommt dir das ganz kosher vor? Essen und Traditionen im Judentum” (Do you think this is completely kosher? Food and Traditions in Judaism).