Jewish Museum Vienna - 2014 Preview

Following the comprehensive temporary exhibition about Richard Wagner, which can still be seen until March 16, the Jewish Museum will present the big exhibit “Weltuntergang. Jüdisches Leben und Sterben im Ersten Weltkrieg” (Doomsday. Jewish Life and Death during WWI) at Dorotheergasse starting on April 2, 2014. From October 8, 2014 onwards, the museum will show an exhibit dedicated to Jewish culinary traditions, entitled “Kommt dir das ganz kosher vor? Essen und Traditionen im Judentum” (Do you think this is completely kosher? Food and Traditions in Judaism).

Starting on January 22, 2014, new illustrations by artist Arik Brauer for the recently created Pessach-Haggada can be seen in the framework of the exhibit titled “Le dor va dor – von Generation zu Generation” (Le dor va dor – from Generation to Generation). From May 2014 onwards, textiles from various collections of the Jewish Museum will be presented. In November 2014, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the museum’s library, an exhibit dedicated to the extensive collections of the museum will be showcased.

In the framework of the series “Jewish Museum Contemporary,” the museum Judenplatz is presenting the impressive installation of American artist Andrew M. Mezvinsky until March 6, 2014. Starting on March 11, 2014, the exhibit “Amy Winehouse -  ein Familienporträt” (Amy Winehouse – a Family Portrait), which was previously showcased in London, will be shown at the museum Judenplatz followed by an installation by artist Veronika Barnas in the fall of 2014. 

Starting on January 22, 2014, new illustrations by artist Arik Brauer for the recently created Pessach-Haggada can be seen in the framework of the exhibit titled “Le dor va dor – von Generation zu Generation” (Le dor va dor – from Generation to Generation). From May 2014 onwards, textiles from various collections of the Jewish Museum will be presented. In November 2014, on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the museum’s library, an exhibit dedicated to the extensive collections of the museum will be showcased.

In the framework of the series “Jewish Museum Contemporary,” the museum Judenplatz is presenting the impressive installation of American artist Andrew M. Mezvinsky until March 6, 2014. Starting on March 11, 2014, the exhibit “Amy Winehouse -  ein Familienporträt” (Amy Winehouse – a Family Portrait), which was previously showcased in London, will be shown at the museum Judenplatz followed by an installation by artist Veronika Barnas in the fall of 2014.