Exhibition: Wels 1938

Source: Israelitische Kultusgemeinde Wien



05.06.2013 – 27.10.2013 in der Burg Wels, Burggasse 13.

75 years ago Austria lost its sovereignty and independence for seven years. It became part of the German Reich. Based on the latest research finding, the special exhibition at the Burg Wels makes an attempt  to depict the also for the city of Wels fateful time of National Socialism, even though, there is no strict physical separation and many of the issues are applicable to the whole of Austria. In general the exhibition focuses on the time between March 1938 and September 1939, when the war broke out.

Topics like politics, propaganda, economy, marginalization and persecution, society and everyday life, and youth and education show how the National Socialist ruling penetrated the public and private life.


Tuesday to Friday: 10am - 5pm

Saturday: 2pm - 5pm

Sunday and Holiday: 10am to 4pm

Monday (even on holidays): closed