The Leon Zelman Prize for Dialogue and Understanding

The prize
Based on an idea of City Councilor for Culture Andreas Mailath-Pokorny, the prize is awarded once each year in memory of Leon Zelman and his work as the longstanding director of the Jewish Welcome Service and publisher of the periodical The Jewish Echo.
The aim
To award projects and organizations in the spirit of Leon Zelman and the Jewish Welcome Service. The prize money is intended to contribute to the continuation of the respective project/initiative. The Jewish Welcome Service is an essential link and often also the point of contact for the concerns and projects of many organizations and initiatives.
Criteria for awarding the prize
Projects and organizations that work actively in the spirit of Leon Zelman for remembrance, its exploration and “the fight against forgetting and for the dialog between present-day Austria and the survivors of National Socialist persecution, and in particular their descendents, as the basis for a shared future” (see also text on memorial plaque for Leon Zelman at Palais Epstein). This includes above all a commitment to civil society; standing up against anti-Semitism, racism and xenophobia; education and youth work as well as projects that promote intercultural dialog.
Prize donated by: City of Vienna

Cash prize:€ 5.000,-

The jury

Sophie Lillie, art historian
Martina Maschke, BMUKK (Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, The Arts and Culture); head of department for International Bilateral Affairs – Education; chairwoman of the association
Ari Rath, publicist; former publisher and editor in chief of the Jerusalem Post
Peter Schwarz, Member of the Board of the Jewish Welcome Service; managing director of the ESRA association (psychosocial center for people persecuted under National Socialism)
Armin Thurnher, publisher and editor in chief of "Der Falter"; author of the autobiography "Leon Zelman. After Survial"
Susanne Trauneck, Secretary General of the Jewish Welcome Service

Proposals for Zelman Prize 2014
(until January 31, 2014):