Postage Stamp in Memory of Theodor Herzl

Austrian Press Agency (APA) (07/06/04)

Vienna - On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of Theodor Herzl on July 3, 2004, the postal services of Hungary, Austria and Israel issued a commemorative stamp. The project was initiated by the Viennese Association "Friends of Israeli Stamps," said the Secretary General of the Israelite Religious Community, Avshalom Hodik. The three countries had a special significance for the founder of Zionism: He was born in 1860 in Pest, Hungary, left primarily his mark in Vienna, and had a vision of a Jewish state which became reality with current day Israel.

The stamp is identical in all three countries except for the denomination and particular country. It depicts on the left side the head of Herzl with a full beard; on the right side of the stamp is the title of his publication, "The Jewish State" in three languages - Hungarian, German and Hebrew.

"To this day, there has never been a collaboration of this kind between national postal services issuing a stamp," said Hodik. This will make the stamp a collector’s item. "Friends of Israeli Stamps" have tried to achieve this goal for the past ten years. In Austria the stamp has a value of 55 cents.