Dear Readers,

February24, 2004

Jewish News from Austria February 2004

Several weeks ago, a meeting between Rabbis and Cardinals took place in New York City, during which Vienna’s Archbishop, Cardinal Christoph Schoenborn, stressed the importance for catholics to learn from orthodox judaism. At the beginning of this month, more than one hundred chief rabbis from throughout Europe met in Vienna. You will find four articles dedicated to this extraordinary event.

Many yiddish words have made their way into the German language, and we sometimes use them without knowing it: "Oh what a Schmonzes! I am having such Zoff with my Mischpoche!" These words are all Yiddish.

Read about an exhibit on "Jewish Vienna" at the Austrian Embassy in Washington, D.C.; the return of a 14th century-old Jewish manuscript to Vienna; the presentation of thirty scholarships to Jewish pupils, and the new issue of "Das Jüdische Echo"

Yours sincerely,

Christoph Meran
Austrian Press and Information Service