Israelite Religious Community: Government Decides upon Interim Aid

Anticipation of Restitution Payments Planned

Austrian Press Agency (APA) (06/03/03)

Vienna - The government has decided on Tuesday in the Council of Ministers meeting upon giving interim aid to the Israelite Religious Community (IKG) which has run into financial difficulties. In concrete terms, 772,000 Euros will be loaned each year without interest for the years 2003, 2004 and 2005, in addition to the present federal aid already given. Minister for Education Elisabeth Gehrer disclosed that this total of over two million Euros will be offset by Restitution payments to which the Israelite Religious Community is entitled. Moreover, the government asks officials from the individual federal provinces to already disburse a portion of the Restitution payments allotted the Israel Religious Community to be taken from the regional budgets before “legal peace” has been established.

Altogether the regions have put aside over 18 million Euros for the Israelite Religious Community. In addition, an hitherto unknown sum is to come from the General Settlement Fund. Both sums, however, are not to be paid out until legal peace in the USA has been established and no more claims against Austria exist. With the decision now having been taken to offer interim aid, funds can be paid out in advance.