Campaign of the City of Vienna: free copies of book by Ruth Klüger

Austrian Federal Chancellery (11/17/2008)

Campaign of the City of Vienna: free copies of book by Ruth Klüger

As from 19 November 2008, 100,000 free copies of Ruth Klüger’s memories “Weiter leben. Eine Jugend“ (“Continue Living: My Youth”) are distributed to avid readers in Vienna. The author born in Vienna in 1931 was ostracised as a child during the Nazi dictatorship and later deported to concentration camps. Klüger read from her work at a book presentation on the premises of Vienna’s district-heating company (“Fernwärme Wien”) on 20 November 2008. This is already the seventh year that the free-book campaign has been organised by Echo-Medienhaus. Ruth Klüger was lucky and survived the Holocaust. Later she studied in the USA and became a recognised literary scholar. She lives in Irvine (California). Recently, she became a guest professor in Tel Aviv. Klüger has received numerous prizes and awards, in Austria the Austrian State Prize for Literary Criticism (1997) and the Bruno Kreisky Prize for the Political Book (2002).

On 24 November 2008, homage will be paid to the author at a gala at Vienna’s City Hall hosted by Mayor Michael Häupl.