Publication Notice: Call to Tender

PUBLICATION NOTICE Design and realization In cooperation with the Federal Chancellery, the National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism has published a call to tender for the of the new Austrian National Exhibition in the former extermination camp and present-day State Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau.

The tender documents have been available since 7 August 2014. The deadline for submissions will foreseeably be 8 September 2014.

The new exhibition will be housed in Block 17 of the former main camp at Auschwitz, where the Austrian exhibition dating from 1978 was on display until being recently dismantled. It shall portray not only the fates of the Austrian victims on Auschwitz and resistance by Austrian inmates but also the involvement of Austrians as perpetrators of and accessories to the crimes committed there.

The call to tender is an invitation to apply for the design and realization of the concept drawn up by the team headed by Mag. Hannes Sulzenbacher and Univ.-Prof Dr. Albert Lichtblau (see the website of the National Fund).
In particular, the successful candidate of the call to tender shall produce a concept for the exhibition layout and design, draw up the implementation plans and carry out all tasks relating to the production of the exhibition (drawing up lists of services required and submitting recommendations for the award of contracts).

The plans for the renovation of Block 17, which will see the creation of a suitable site for the exhibition, must be taken into account when designing the exhibition. The renovation will be contracted separately by the National Fund.
Applications are to be submitted exclusively using the tender document. Please consult the tender document for the exact application requirements.

The tender document can be requested free of charge and without obligation from the Federal Chancellery, Mr. Ädigius Winkler, ex. 01/5311152441 or can be accessed at Upon expiry of the deadline and following the appraisal of all applications the top five applicants will be invited to submit a proposal with a draft of the design. An expert commission will chose the best proposal.

For further information on the selection procedure please consult the tender document.

Enquiries concerning the tender document should be addressed to the issuing office, the Federal Chancellery department I/8.

National Fund of the Republic of Austria for Victims of National Socialism
Dr. Karl-Renner-Ring
1017 Wien
Phone: +43 (1) 408 12 63 Mail: