Austrian Press Agency (12/15/2009)
“Part of the United Europe” – Foreign Minister at the Opening of the Maimonides Center in Vienna
Vienna – Foreign Minister Michael Spindelegger met with the President of the Jewish World Congress (WJC) Roland Lauder and representatives of the German-speaking Jewish Community in Vienna on the occasion of the opening of the Maimonides Center in Vienna. “The new Jewish Community (IKG) campus is not only a human enrichment for Vienna but also the strong sign of an active, self-confident Jewish community in Austria,“ declared Spindelegger according to a press release.
The Center will also serve as a place for Jewish and non-Jewish citizens to meet and exchange information. “Life in Central Europe is unimaginable without the Jewish population, one which is a part of the United Europe and growing stronger.
The Foreign Ministry is cooperating closely in diverse ways with the Jewish Community in an atmosphere of trust within and outside of Austria,“ emphasized Spindelegger. He stated that he is interested in expanding further cooperation in the future and helping to strengthen Jewish life in Vienna as well as in all of Austria.
Among the participants of the event were, among others, Vienna’s president of the Jewish Community (IKG) Ariel Muzicant and the president of the Central Council of Jews in Germany Charlotte Knobloch.
“The fact that payments by the Austrian Restitution Fund are recognized and valued internationally and particularly in the USA serves as an important indicator that our efforts in meeting the moral responsibility for the victims of National Socialism are being honored. The social benefits awarded the victims is an important gesture made to the survivors of the Holocaust,” said the Foreign Minister.