April, 2007
With this issue of Jewish News from Austria, we are happy to be able to provide you with a broad selection of articles which have appeared in the Austrian media since the beginning of the year.
We would also like to point out to all readers of Jewish News from Austria an important change: Since January 2007 you will find actual news items, information on events, publications as well as useful links on a regular basis on our new website: www.jewishnews.at Thus, by offering you a broader coverage, in addition to our regularly appearing newsletter, we try to keep you well informed.
Since our last issue, we have also attempted to update the list of e-mail addresses of subscribers to Jewish News from Austria. In particular the list of organizations receiving the newsletter was updated and enlarged. We would be very grateful for your support in the outreach of this newsletter by informing us of people you know who might be interested in Jewish News from Austria. Moreover, we would send a hard copy by mail to those who are interested but have no access to the internet.
I would appreciate very much your response.
Yours sincerely,
Wolfgang Renezeder
Director of the Press & Information Service
Embassy of Austria
P.S. If you no longer wish to receive the electronic newsletter, please send us a short note to that effect.