Israelite Religious Community Offers Condolences To the Passing of Ambassador Sucharipa

Original Text Service (OTS) (06/23/05)

Austria’s Jewish Communities are shocked by the news of the sudden death of Ambassador Ernst Sucharipa.

On behalf of the Federal Chancellor, Dr. Sucharipa was involved in negotiations on restitution during 2000 - 2001 and worked closely together with Jewish members on matters affecting them. In the course of numerous discussions, he proved to us not only his profound knowledge of the material but also his understanding of the concerns of the victims and their descendants.

In appreciation of Dr. Sucharipa, the Israelite Religious Community would like to express to his family and friends our deepest sympathy. May his memory be eternally blessed.

The Israelite Religious Society in Austria:

Dr. Ariel Muzicant, President
Dr. Avshalom Hodik, Secretary General
Erika Jakubovits, Executive Director

For additional information please call the Israelite Religious Community at: 011 431-53104-0