Those Expelled by the NazisGuests at the Hofburg

Der Standard (04/06/05)

Vienna - Last Wednesday Federal President Heinz Fischer welcomed about one hundred former Viennese who had been expelled by the National Socialists to the Hofburg.

With this invitation the Austrian President continues the tradition of his predecessor, Thomas Klestil, to maintain "the dialogue," says a speaker from the President’s office. The invitation is a gesture on the part of the Republic of Austria as well as the City of Vienna, demonstrating that those expelled from their former home country are "heartily welcome."

Invited by the "Jewish Welcome Service Vienna," which was founded by Leon Zelman twenty-five years ago, the guests are invited to Vienna for one week each year. The Mayor of Vienna, Michael Häupl, awarded Zelman the "Goldener Rathausmann" for his years of continued service.