In furthering the relationship between Austria and Israel, the Foreign Ministry signed in Vienna on November 13, 2002, a memorandum regarding cooperation in the areas of culture and education. This pertains to the third bilateral agreement containing plans to intensify bilateral contact for the coming four years. In addition to strengthening the relationship in the area of culture, (particularly film, music and dance), scientific cooperation between universities, trade schools and other research institutes is to be expanded as well.
Austria and Israel greeted the positive development since the founding of the Austrian Center for Studies at the Jewish University in Jerusalem in 2001, which has decidedly led to improving knowledge of Austria in Israel. Also the project "Searching for Traces", initially begun in 1994, will be continued. This project aims at offering the third postwar generation living in Israel the opportunity to become better acquainted with their Austrian ancestors, to come to Austria and conduct discussions with young Austrians. The "Jewish Welcome Service" in Vienna shares similar intentions by hoping to provide for mutual understanding and reconciliation. The head of the Austrian and Israeli delegation claimed the new Memorandum as being an important contribution in strengthening the friendship between Austria and Israel.