Nehammer Awards Austrian Citizenship to Descendants of NS-Victims

Die Presse, Novmber 11, 2021

German original:

“We do everything to foster Jewish Life in Austria,” the Interior Minister emphasized during his visit to Israel.

Five descendants of Austrian victims of National Socialism were awarded Austrian citizenship by Interior Minister Karl Nehammer in a ceremonial act at the Austrian Embassy in Tel Aviv. “We will never forget and do everything to prevent history from repeating. Austria is aware of her responsibility,” Nehammer said during the award ceremony.

“We do everything to foster Jewish life in Austria.” Some 8,000 Jews currently live in Austria, thanks to the citizenship amendment there are 16,000 now, Nehammer remarked with a wink and invited the new citizens to visit Vienna. “It is an honor for us to welcome you as new Austrians,” the Interior Minister said.

The possibility for descendants of NS victims to apply for Austrian citizenship was created through an unanimous vote by the Austrian National Council in September 2019; applications have been possible since September 2020. Over 8,000 applications have been granted since; 2,500 of those in Israel. Interest is very high according to the Embassy. The reasons are often emotional. “For many it means coming full circle,” explains Ambassador Hannah Liko. But many are assuming citizenship for practical reasons as well.