Engelberg Relinquishes IKG – Candidacy Because of the ÖVP

APA (Austrian Press Agency) - published in
Der Standard, August 23, 2017
Die Presse, August 23, 2017

German original: https://derstandard.at/2000063019315/Engelberg-verzichtet-wegen-OeVP-auf-IKG-Kandidatur

Joint decision with members of his electoral list „Chaj – Jewish Life“

Vienna – The psychoanalyst Martin Engelberg relinquishes his candidacy for the board of the Jewish Community Vienna (IKG) because of his candidacy for the Austrian People’s Party (ÖVP) in the national election. This decision was made jointly with his electoral list Chaj, he wrote on Facebook on Wednesday. Engelberg and his group represent the third-largest faction in the IKG – board, which will hold elections again in November.

“Given my candidacy for the electoral list Sebastian Kurz, I discussed the new situation with my friends at Chaj – Jewish Life,” Engelberg wrote. “Thereby we reached the decision that I will not run in the upcoming elections for the board of the Jewish Community Viennain November 2017.” However, the consultant emphasized that he will „always remain associated with that group.“

Engelberg is running for parliament in 11th place on the national list of candidates of the ÖVP, and is also listed in fifth place on its Viennese list. Previously, he was politically successful within the IKG: the list Chaj, which he founded, got three mandates at the first go. During the election campaign he was recognized as an outspoken critic of the strongest list, Atid, with former IKG – president Ariel Muzikant. Muzikant’s son, Georg, also supports ÖVP chairman Sebastian Kurz.