NS - Memorial Blocks in Graz Heavily Damaged

German original: DerStandard.at - NS-Gedenksteine in Graz schwer beschädigt
Source: http://derstandard.at/2000030389140/NS-Gedenksteine-in-Graz-schwer-beschaedigt

Some of the „stumbling blocks“ remembering the victims of national-socialist terror smeared and sprayed – Graz Cathedral smeared with NS-symbols.

Graz – The police report on Thursday was brief: „Unknown suspects damaged four so-called stumbling blocks between early December 2015 and February 3, 2016 by spraying them with acid or blue color. The memorial blocks are made of concrete blocks measuring ten by ten centimeters with an affixed brass plate and are recessed in the sidewalk. The material damage is unknown. “

The police report leaves out the essential detail: those stumbling blocks in Schröttergasse in Graz’s Geidorf district commemorate the victims of the NS – terror. They remember the Jewish family Kurzweil, for example, or the architect and resistance fighter Herbert Eichholzer. Local councilwoman and initiator of the stumbling blocks Daniele Grabe (Greens) has discovered another damaged block in Graz’s Oeverseegasse. Also at Griesplatz blocks have recently been damaged.

A year ago, the stumbling blocks were damaged by acid. The Constitutional Protection Service did open an investigation then, but until today without results.

„ The recent attacks on the stumbling blocks show how important it is to exhibit a clear demeanor against right-wing, extremist groups, who spread ideas that incite and trivialize National Socialism. Continuing work on remembrance projects is of equal importance,” Grabe said. Additional layings of stumbling blocks in Graz are planned for this August.

„Right-wing assaults and offences are rising significantly, the climate is menacing,“ said Hanno Wisiak (KPÖ), the deputy district commissioner in Geidorf. He also points to the „Nazi-scribbling“ recently discovered in the inner city. The Graz Cathedral, too, was sprayed.