Federal Minister for Education and Women Heinisch-Hosek in Israel

Collaboration with Yad Vashem extended


German original: Heinisch-Hosek in Israel: Zusammenarbeit mit Yad Vashem verlängert

Besides education, official trip focused on women

Wien (OTS) – Federal Minister Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek is currently on a business trip to Israel. She met with her counterpart Naftali Bennett. "We have agreed on a bilateral, inter-ministerial expert panel for a schoolbook comparison. The aim is to explore how the image of Israel in Austrian classes and vice versa is being communicated. While Israelis are very interested in the Austrian dual education system and vocational schools, I experienced the Israeli approach to pre-school education and inclusion as exemplary", said Federal Minister for Education and Women Gabriele Heinisch-Hosek.

Heinisch-Hosek was deeply impressed during her visit at the Holocaust memorial Yad Vashem in Jerusalem. On that occasion, the collaboration for teacher’s vocational training was extended as a part of the initiative http://www.erinnern.at/bundeslaender/oesterreich, during which Austrian teachers can participate in vocational training in Jerusalem. In the past 15 years, 580 teachers already made use of that opportunity.

During the dense program, real life inclusion was presented to the minister in a care facility for hearing impaired toddlers. The MICHA Institute, under the roof of the Jerusalem Foundation of former Jerusalem mayor Teddy Kollek, is preparing the children for integration into mainstream kindergarten or school. Another project of the foundation, the Bloomfield Science Museum, was also pleased to welcome the minister on Sunday. "I am excited about the many opportunities that get boys and girls excited for technology here", the minister said.

The end of the journey was marked by a working lunch with the head of the women's rights organization Na'amat, Gallia Wolloch, and a meeting with the Chairman of the “Club of the Central Committee of Jews from Austria in Israel” Gideon Eckhaus.

For pictures, please visit http://bdb.bmbf.gv.at/BilderSet/356