Jewish Museum Judenplatz

Filtering by: Jewish Museum Judenplatz

Horowitz: fifty years of portrait photos
to May 1

Horowitz: fifty years of portrait photos

This exhibition at Museum Judenplatz offers an insight into the portrait photography of Michael Horowitz, photographer, journalist, and author, born in Vienna in 1950. He has written biographies of Heimito von Doderer, Egon Erwin Kisch, Karl Kraus, Helmut Qualtinger, and H.C. Artmann, inspired by his father, a well-known theater photographer.

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Viennese Synagogues: A Memory
to Nov 17

Viennese Synagogues: A Memory

  • Google Calendar ICS

Until their destruction in 1938, Vienna’s synagogues were an integral component of the urban architecture and culture. The virtual reconstruction gives an illuminating insight into these disappeared Viennese spaces. Most of the synagogues were built between 1890 and 1910, when the migration of Jews from the crown lands to Vienna was at its highpoint.

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