The Stones of Remembrance

The Stones of Remembrance

About the project

The "Stones of Remembrance" are a means of commemorating the victims for their great-grandchildren, grandchildren, children, and siblings. For some people the project is the end of a process that helps them to find peace and closure. The traumas that the families have suffered cannot be healed, but our desire is to help relieve the pain as much as possible. 

The Vienna Project

The Vienna Project

New Memorial in Vienna Commemorating the 75th Anniversary Year of 1938

Karen Frostig, artist, writer, professor and granddaughter of Austrian Holocaust victims is Founding President of a new memorial project The Vienna Project. The memorial will open along the Danube Canal on October 24, 2013 and unfold over the next six months as a series of public installations, closing on May 8th, 2014 in the Augarten.