“Ivrith scheli” means “My Hebrew” and is an exciting program for young people ages 6 to 10 who are curious and creative. We’ll search the whole museum for Hebrew letters on objects – paintings, Torah ornaments, and even dishes. We’ll write our names with the letters of the Hebrew alphabet and design an artistic word folder for all the “milim chadashim.” We’ll tell you what that exactly means at the museum. Knowledge of Hebrew is not required.
The program is suitable for children ages 6 to10. Younger guests are welcome to attend, but in this case we ask parents or escorts for their presence during the workshop.
Material fee per child € 3, adults regular entry
Advance booking requested: Tel.: +43 1 535 04 31-1537 and -1538 or e-mail: tours@jmw.at.
Photo (c) JMW
Source: Jewish Museum Vienna